Digital Marketing for Criminal Defense Attorneys

Online Marketing for Criminal Defense Attorneys
The legal industry is shaking up its marketing strategy to join the modern-day world with social media. Social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have long been an effective channel for major brands in other industries, but it’s only recently that lawyers are using them as well.
Nike has dominated its campaigns by providing inspirational quotes daily. In contrast, Starbucks’ CEO has used his account exclusively to share customer service stories from time to time, and Airbnb even directs followers back to the content they’ve posted themselves! It begs the question: “If these companies can do this so successfully, then why not use social media for your law firm?”
Vanguard Legal Marketing is a legal marketing company in Hilton Head, SC. We will help you get started or re-energize your own social media strategy for your criminal defense law firm and help you get numerous clients online any day.

The Importance Of Developing A Social Media Presence For Your Firm
Below are some of the benefits of developing a social media presence for your law firm.
1. Boosts SEO Efforts
Social signals are not technically a direct ranking factor in the search engine world, but various sources report that they can positively affect your SEO efforts. For example, Search Engine Journal reports that Google has changed its story multiple times about whether website links shared on Facebook and Twitter impact rank position.
In short, there is still a strong correlation between social media engagement and rankings, as well as traffic from those sites leading back to yours for increased visibility. Thus, it’s worth building up an audience through these channels, so you will be able to reach higher SERP positions or get more eyeballs interested in your legal practice.
2. Create Brand Awareness
It can be challenging to get your message in front of clients while spending more time on social media. But, if you have a solid social presence, that will help increase visibility with brands becoming increasingly popular among those who want to reach their audience.
A recent survey found 44% of respondents reported increasing the amount of time they spend on social media platforms, which is an opportunity for brands looking to expand into this realm. Furthermore, 87% said that following a brand’s account would make them likely to visit its website too.
Consumers today find themselves spending more and more time online. It has created opportunities for companies trying hard enough to stay afloat since people like staying connected socially then later visiting websites or interacting.
3. Attract New Prospective Clients
Attorneys who use social media in their practice can attract new clients. For example, criminal defense lawyers who are active and engaging on Facebook have gained a higher clientele from Facebook than those who do not utilize it.
4. Build Relationship With Your Clientele
It is essential to post engaging content across your social media profiles so that those who find your content feel free to interact with you. This interaction goes a long way to developing a relationship of trust, understanding, and genuine belief that everyone at your firm cares about every person they interact with on the internet or in person.
5. Connect With Your Target Audience
With many people using social media to connect with their loved ones, it’s increasingly common for them to engage with law firms on these platforms. It provides your law firm a valuable opportunity and an engaging way of delivering content and answering questions, whether they’re about criminal defense, auto accidents, or family law.
6. Establish Your Authority
Establishing your authority as a criminal defense attorney is an essential part of gaining trust and respect. Sharing helpful information that will interest potential clients can help you stand out in the field and establish yourself as someone who has credible answers to their questions.
7. Increase Inbound Traffic To The Website
The use of social media by law firms can help increase inbound traffic to their website. The conversion from readers into visitors is through drawing potential clients and not bombarding them with unsolicited content or promotions by posting insightful, engaging posts on sites like Facebook and Twitter, which will point back to your site for more information clicked upon. These strategies effectively convert people interested in what you have to say into leads that eventually convert to high-quality clients who will work directly with you one-on-one without needing any other referrals outside your network.
8. Gather Competitive Intelligence
The world of social media can provide an excellent way to gather information. You, as a criminal defense attorney, can use social networks, like LinkedIn or Facebook, to see what competitors are saying and then employ Twitter as a resource for valuable ideas about topics that might be interesting to your law firm.
9. Personal Benefits
Social media is a powerful tool for lawyers, not just to connect with potential clients but also as an analytical and informational resource. Lawyers can use social media sites like Facebook or LinkedIn to stay up-to-date on current trends and news related to the legal field. It means that when they are advising about specific topics, their knowledge base will be even more comprehensive than ever before.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Can A Criminal Defense Attorney Use Social Media?
Criminal defense lawyers are using social media to advertise their services, network with other legal professionals, and attract new clients.
How Do I As A Criminal Defense Attorney Promote My Law Firm On Social Media?
Here are some of the ways of promoting your law firm on social media platforms as a criminal defense attorney:
1. Post engaging content
2. Use visuals
3. Monitor and respond to conversations
4. Choose the best social media platform to engage in
5. Grow your network
How Do I Get Criminal Defense Clients Online?
You can get criminal defense clients online by:
1. Client reviews online
2. Blogging
3. Video marketing
4. Having a social media presence
A Highly Recognized Professional Legal Marketing Company
As a criminal defense attorney, if you are not active on social media, it is easy to miss out on a significant opportunity. There is no better way to promote and grow your law firm than by using the power of technology!
Vanguard Legal Marketing can assist with developing an effective legal marketing strategy or help you manage your current profiles. Get in touch with us for a free evaluation today!
Grow Your Law Firm Online Now!
Call Vanguard Legal Marketing At 888-418-5540!
Vanguard Legal Marketing
11 Parklands Dr. # 1631, Bluffton, SC 29910
Five Star Services

Online Attorney Marketing